Sunday, March 9, 2008

MLM Relationships - Look Beyond Behavior

By Michael Dlouhy

People don’t always do the right thing. And 98% of these “wrong things” fall in the category of “small stuff.” So when somebody screws up, take a moment to put it in perspective. A year from now, will you even remember it? Bottom line: don’t invest your time and your emotion in something that is trivial.

The logical extension of this thought is, whenever someone does some act that you don’t approve, train yourself to think of them with kindness. If you consider the situation to be truly serious, then advise them how you would handle it. And then let it go.

Nothing is - or needs to be - perfect. “Letting it go” is your best choice because you ultimately have no control over what any of your network marketing partners does. And, believe it or not, there’s always a fair chance you’ll learn something new and useful from how someone else handles a situation.

So observe, and try to understand why. And then either learn or let it go or both. Your MLM relationships always involve other people. You can count on regular annoyances. Long-term, they are meaningless … so don’t let it have any effect on your own productivity.

Your friend for life,

Gregory Bauer