Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Five Pillars to Success

Welcome to the world of Network Marketing where you can
build a future of residual income to provide a life style
most people only dream about provided you are in the correct
company. There are some key facts you need to know – about
a company you may be in or looking to join. They are called
the five pillars to success. If you can’t find these 5 key
ingredients before you waste your time and money – RUN

PILLAR 1 Company Management Experience with integrity.

Do a Google Search on the company owners. When you are in a
company that is built by someone who has built a down line,
they will be “Distributor Minded.” The pay plan will be
excellent and will be easy to build a business with them.
The care and support will be in place. IF you find a company
built by a Fortune 500 CEO who has never built a down line
of their want to be aware are: the company’s policies and
procedures. If the policies and procedures are short, then
there is low overhead (meaning the cost to run the company
is minimal) and you the distributor will get paid more!
Companies with high overhead always have long policies and
procedures. You will probably need lawyer to read it for
you. This company will not pay you well.

PILLAR 2 Timing in the company, Timing in your industry.

Approximately 92% of network marketing companies don’t
make it past the first two years. You do not want to be the
first one blazing the trail. Give the company time to work
out all the start up bugs. A good compensation plan has to
be in place. Let the company work out all of their software
problems. They should own their own software so they can
perform their own maintenance themselves and any upgrades
they may have to make. Don’t get caught up in the hype of
getting into a start-up opportunity.

PILLAR 3 A remarkable product.

If you look at a company that has been around for more than
two years, they probably have a good product. If you want to
make money with that company you still need all the other
pillars provided you are in a legal network marketing
company not some gifting program.

It’s necessary to have a product that retails well and ask
yourself, “Would I buy this product if there was no
business opportunity involved?” Is there a distributor
discount on the product? “What’s the real price of the
product? Doesn’t this behavior show that this company only
wants to recruit distributors? If a company is recruiting,
recruiting, recruiting, you are just building a temporary
paycheck. Now, there is no residual income in recruiting
alone. You want to be in a company where you can retail
products. Retail sales allows you to develop true residual

PILLAR 4 The compensation plan.

A good pay plan is a plan that pays the most for the least
amount of people in your organization. You should get paid
on total volume not on a specific number of levels or stop
after a set depth. A good compensation plan will pay a good
percentage to the front end of the plan so the part-timer
will be able to make an income. How much money do you make
on retail sales. Seven percent and under will not make a
viable business. Do the math, figure out how many people you
will need to reach your monthly goals. How much money will
you generate from each person, per spot, and divide this by
the desired monthly income! Ask yourself: “Will this comp
plan work for you?” “Will it be possible for me to
sponsor, teach, and retain this many people?”

Study your compensation plan. What type is it? What are the
pros and cons of this type of plan?

PILLAR 5 System for Success

The success to any network marketing company is to have a
duplicatable system in place. People are not duplicatable!
Systems are! You must have a system when a new distributor
can plug in and become successful. Network marketing is
relationship business. People join people.

These are the five pillars to success.

I am a business coach and mentor. I will aid you in finding
a real company or help you build a present one. And I do it
for FREE. Contact me and I will help you or download my
success E Book and educate yourself.

Now it is up to you to get started.

By: Gregory Bauer



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